plants are based

plant-based is a (re)generative art series that evolves, grows and stores carbon. created by cyrus clarke
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palm leafpalm leaf

NFTs that store
CO2 like plants

plant-based is the first NFT project to embed verifiable carbon removal credits natively with a Green NFT Extension – making enjoying art and climate action accessible to all.
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based on nature

plant-based is a nature inspired art series, which like all good things begins with beautiful plants

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what's more based than a plant?

the artworks are based using a generative animation linked to the amount of carbon each NFT stores

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evolving generations

generation by generation the plant-based theme grows and evolves


each generation is dedicated to a specific theme growing gradually more abstracted from the roots

created by
cyrus clarke

Cyrus Clarke is an award-winning designer, artist, and technologist known for his poetic use of emerging technologies to create prototypes for beautiful and regenerative futures
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grown in collaboration

CoinbaseToucan Protocolfxhash
CoinbaseToucan Protocolfxhash

frequently asked questions

What is a (re)generative NFT and what makes this collection unique?
plant-based is a first-of-its-kind NFT collection that connects generative art with regenerative utility. The artworks in the collection feature pre-generated plant-based objects overlaid with a generative looping cyclical animation that sweeps across the canvas.

This generative animation is linked to the amount of carbon associated with the NFT contract. Never before have individuals been able to collect art and buy verifiable carbon removal via NFTs like this.
What are the future generations that will be released?
Inspiration for plant-based stems from the natural life cycles of plants—germination, growth, pollination, and mutation. As the series blossoms, the artworks branch out from their botanical origins, exploring themes like digital waste, video games, capitalism, and artistic tributes.

Thus, new generations will emerge periodically starting with generation-1: plants.
Why is this based?
plant-based celebrates the beauty of nature, while allowing holders to make an immediate, real-world climate impact. That’s pretty based.
What do you mean by ‘based’?
‘Based’ is a popular meme in the web3 community, describing something that stands firm and true to its principles. It’s also a play on words with Coinbase’s L2 network, ‘Base’.

plant-based weaves these themes together with an animation inspired by the Base network logo, linking the meme with the regenerative essence of plant life and the power of web3 tech.
What is the mint price?
The first generation launched August 2nd 2024 on Coinbase Wallet and fxhash. Minting a plant-based NFT initially costs 0.0027 ETH. Prices may change due to fluctuations in carbon markets.

Minting a generation-1  plant-based NFT will unlock new features and benefits as the series grows over time.
I’m here for the tech. What is the Green NFT Extension?
To make carbon embeddable within NFTs, plant-based features a revolutionary Green NFT Extension – a periphery contract that associates NFT token IDs with the underlying carbon credits embedded within them.

This extension was developed in partnership with Toucan. If you hold a plant-based NFT, you can go to to add more carbon, effectively making your plant even more impactful.
What is a carbon credit?
A carbon credit is a certificate that represents the reduction or removal of one tonne of CO2 from the atmosphere. Individuals and organizations can purchase these credits to compensate for their own emissions and reduce their carbon footprint
How much carbon does each plant-based NFT store?
Generation-1 NFTs come embedded with 0.01 CHAR, which represents 10 kg of carbon that has been removed from the atmosphere!

Normally carbon credits are only made available in full tonnes, but thanks to some wizardry from Toucan, plant-based is able to make partial yet fully verified credits available.
How do I know this carbon is legit?
The credits used for plant-based are biochar credits. These credits are verified, audited, and monitored via, the leading carbon removal standard.

Each credit = one tonne of carbon removed from the atmosphere and brought onchain as CHAR, so they can be embedded into digital artwork, dApps, and other Web3 applications. 
What can I do with the carbon stored in this NFT?
During the first phase of plant-based you'll  be able to embed more CHAR to your NFT. In the future new features will be added to further link climate action with art.
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